Meet Brian McGee

Proud member of Plumbers Local 1

Brian McGee

Brian McGee is a married father of one, who is also a plumber
and a proud member of Local 1.

About Kevin

Brian McGee, 33, a married father of one, is a plumber and a member of Plumbers Local 1. He is currently working on the Riverside Drive Project in New York City, a 100% union-built property located along the Hudson River on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that is financed by union pension dollars through AFL-CIO-sponsored programs.

Brian, who has been a part of his union since 2006, is working on all of the plumbing aspects for the Riverside Project. He is currently installing the 12-inch storm mains that will be going through the school on the lower levels of the building. When asked what Brian would say to a young person who is thinking about going into the field of plumbing, he highly recommends it.

Because one, as a plumber you help protect the health of the nation by keeping the waste and treating it, and two, you know that you have a good solid trade and you will be able to earn money for you and your family.

Brian loves the brotherhood and camaraderie of being a union member, and it has helped provide a solid financial base for him and for his family.

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