Meet Rudolph Hall

Proud member of the Excavators Union Local 731

Rudolph Hall

Rudolph Hall, 57, a married father of four, is a proud member
of the Excavators Union Local 731.

About Rudolph

Rudolph Hall, 57, a married father of four, is a member of the Excavators Union Local 731. He worked on the Riverside Drive Project in New York City, a 100% union-built property located along the Hudson River on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that was financed by union pension dollars through AFL-CIO-sponsored programs.

Rudolph, who has been a part of his union since 1986, was a shop steward on the Riverside Project. Working on this site made Rudolph feel that he was there to make a difference; he wanted to make sure that the project was according to the construction plan and that the contractors work is being carried out the right way.

When asked what being a union member meant to Rudolph, he explained that for him:

It?s about being a part of a unit of integral workers who are dedicated to making the project come to three-dimensional light by working together as a team.

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